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Sunday, 7 November 2010

Education System Now And In The Past (first draft)

Out Line:-
Introduction ,one paragragh five lines each
we are created to educate
allah ordered us to educate because we are the highest kind of living orgamisms
thier is technology now aday
every day this technology developed and affect on many aspects of our lives
no doubt that technology affects on the development of education 

Body two paragraghs ,five lines each
the first paragragh
in the past education was very difficult
students have to travel in order to learn because schools are not available in every where
teachers only use the black board and chalks
teachers use very simple teaching aids
students only use pencils and papers

secound paragragh

nowadays education is very easy
schools available in every where
teachers can use computer to write his lesson
teachers can use complex and advanced teaching aids like vedio films
students have many methods to write thier lesson

concluction 5lines one paragragh

education is affected deeply by technology  

1 comment:

  1. o.k. Hagar go ahead and write the first and the final drafts of your essay.
