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Friday, 15 October 2010

Causes and Effects of Pollution in Egypt (final draft)

Their are  many sources for pollution around the world ,but man's greed is the main source of this
phenomenon . Their are also many types of  pollution  such as air pollution ,water pollution and noise pollution. .   Presumedly, it affects our health badly,as it causes the death of many people every year.Unfortunately Egypt  suffers from all kinds of pollution except nuclear pollution ,because the majority of egyptian do not know the dangerous effects of pollution on their health. Noise pollution is one of the most dangerous types of pollution in our country because of many bad   habits  , customs and traditions in our society.
         Their are many sources for noise pollution in Egypt. Firstly the unbearable  sound of cars and buses horns in traffic jam especially  during rush hours .Secondly,sound of the street sellers  who call nearly  around the clock with their ugly voice in order to sell  their  goods . Thirdly ,children who  live in random areas  spend most of the day playing  games that makes  noisy sounds , either with fire works or  foot ball. Fourthly ,people who walk in the street or ride motor cycles  listening to music with extremely high sound. Finally, wedding festivals that  takes place in the street .The  organisersThese kind of festivals  use  about three of four huge speakers that disturb the  inhabitants of   the area in which the festival takes place.

      Based on the above mention, noise pollution affects our health badly. Firstly,it affects our mental health,people  these days  became nervous than any time before.Secoundly, it is one of the main sources which  that causes the increase of man's heart beats, that's  why the number of heart patients increase every month  .Thirdly,noise pollution is the main source of partial deaf as it causes the corruption forthe cells our inner ear   . Finally, it is responsible for the decrease of man's concentration especially in big cities.  

       consequently,noise pollution can cause mass genocide for the egyptian society.Every year many egyptian people become closer to death because  of noise pollution. we can not deny that our lives changes to the worst because of loud sounds that we hear daily.  The only solution for this problem is to get rid of our  deadly habits and  customs in order to live longer and healthy.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Causes and Effects of Pollution in Egypt (out line

there are many sourses for pollution 
pollution affects our health badly
there are many kinds of pollution inegypt
 pollution in egypt
noise pollution is one of many dangerous kinds of pollution in Egypt 

body (2paragraphes,5lines each

the first paragraph
sourses of noise pollution(controlling idea
hornes of cars
street sellers
boyes playing in the street
festivals that people make in the street

the secound paragraph
effects of noise pollution(controlling idea
affects mental health
causes heart problems
inceasing inthe boold pressure
causes difficulty in hearing

conclution(1paragraph ,4lines
there are many kinds of pollution
alot of people may lose there hearing because of noise pollution
people must improve thier behavoiurs and start acting in civilizing manner
all  the people have the right to live healthy

Causes and Effects of Pollution in Egypt

        Thier are  many sources for pollution around the world ,but man's greed is the main source of this phenomenon . Thier are also many types of  pollution  such as air pollution ,water pollution and noise pollution. .   Presumedly, it affects our health badly,as it causes the death of many people yearly. Unfortuntly Egypt suffers from all kinds of pollution except nucular pollution ,because the majority of egyptian do not know the dangerous effects of pollution on  man's health.Noise polution is one of the most dangerous types of pollution in our country because of many bad  habites , customs and traditions in our society.
         Thier are many sources for noise pollution in Egypt. Firstly the unbearable  sound of cars and buses horns in   atraffic jam espcially  during rush hours .secoundly,sound of the street sellers  who call nearly  around the clock with thier ugly voice in order to sel thier goods . Thirdly ,children who  live in random areas  spend most of the day playing  games that makes  noisy sounds , either with fire works or  foot ball. Finally ,people who walk in the street or ride motor cycles  listening to muic with extremly high sound. Finally, wedding festivals that  takes place in the street . These kind of festivals organisers use  about three of four huge speakers that disturbe the habitants of   the area in which the festival takes place.

      Based on the above mentioned, noise pollution affects our health severly. Firstly,it affects our mental health,people now adays became nervous than any time before.Secoundly, it is one of the main sources which lead to the increse of man's heart beats, thats why the number of heart paitants increase every month  .Thirdly,noise pollution is the main source of partial deaf as it causes the corruption of our inner ear cells  . Finally, it is responsible for the decrease of man's concentration especially in big cities.  

       consequently,noise pollution can cause mass genocide for the egyptian society.Every year many egyptian people become close to death because of noise pollution. we can not deny that our lives changes to the worest becaues of loud sounds that we hear daily.  The only solution for this problem is to get rid of our  deadly habites and  customs in order to live longer and healthy.